Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Effect of Gas Price Increase on De Anza College Students
Four out of five students have been affected by the increase in gas prices throughout the Bay Area, based on a survey taken at De Anza College on June 7, 2018.

According to an article titled, “Here are five reasons we may soon be paying $4 a gallon for gas” by Patrick May for the MercuryNews.com, there are five reasons for the increase of gas prices.

The five reasons are: the trend has already begun, crude prices are rising, California is being hit harder by fuel taxes, global realities and the season.

One of out of the five students said that the increase in gas prices had no effect.

Nadia Turali, 19, economics major, said that she was not affected by the rise of gas prices.

“My uncle owns a gas station right near my house, so I get my gas for free,” Turali said.

Turali said that she feels lucky to not be affected by the increase.

Four out of the five students do, however, feel the the effects and are doing something about it.

The increase of gas prices has made this student change her future school schedule.

Tiffany Nguyen, 21, business major, said that the rise in gas prices have been really affecting her.

“Since gas prices are rising, I plan on taking all of my classes on one day and taking more online classes next quarter,” Nguyen said.

Nguyen also said that she drives a non-fuel efficient car and commutes from Morgan Hill.

The increase in gas prices has made this student transfer to a different school.

Tony Marshall, 18, psychology major, said that he plans on transferring out of De Anza because of the gas price increase.

Marshall said that he commutes from Los Gatos and only attended De Anza College because he wanted to play with his friends on the soccer team.

“My friends and I have been planning to play college soccer together since middle school, I guess we’ll just have to play adult leagues for now,” Marshall said.

Marshall said he will attend West Valley College next Fall.

The increase in gas prices has made this student become a full-time worker and a part-time student.

Brandon Williams, 22,communications major, said that the increase in gas prices have made him pick up more shifts at his job.

“I had to drop one class just so I could work more because gas prices are getting ridiculously expensive now,” Williams said.

The increase in gas prices has made this student take only online classes.
Yasmine Hernandez, 21, finance major said that the increase in gas prices has made her take online classes only.

“I now take two online classes at De Anza and 2 online classes at West Valley” Hernandez said.

“If gas prices keep rising, I may even take some time off of school to save up for a fuel efficient car,” Hernandez said. “I don’t want to take time off, but I might have to.”


  1. I'm not sure if we can handle another increase in prices, they're just getting unrealistically high at this point. Great article.

  2. Did you find out if it's just California that's being affected? The cost of living in the Bay Area is already rather outrageously high but I remember back in high school, gas used to be consistently less than three. Is this affecting you too, and do you recommend any gas stations that are cheaper on average?
